Ron Misrach, His Art, and Music
Normal People
Hameau de la Reine,Marie Antoinette's hideaway
30years of hollywood struggles and nothing to show for it
Fighting not to let the dreamkillers take away my dreams
Dove Night Songs
They really want to take my dreams away
The slow evolution of Dove Night
presidential hypocrisy
Why Artists suffer, in pain and tragedy
i have been harrassed all my life
Why do I attract the wrong people
Rock Pop Frontmen. a few of my favorites
Queen elizabeth I a saint or a sociopath?
Genius and Madness
DOVE Night the rocker, his songs and influences DOves records
Leaders and Manager roles in organizations
Donald J Trump's presidency in US and what to expect
overcoming obstacles, and Tragedy
A life with very little love, overcoming obstacles part 2
Dove Night ,the singer ,songwriter
Who is a loser?
Social conservatism is not logical
ADHD and my struggles with it
hypocristy with amended changes part 2
Songwriting theft/taking my dreams away?
michael jackson- is the child molestation allegations true?
Presidents of the United states