- Capitalism and Its Economics: A Critical History
- The Broken Promises of "America" Volume 2 : At Home and Abroad, Past and Present, An Encyclopedia for Our Times Volume 2: G-Z (Hardcover)
- U.S. Capitalist Development Since 1776: Of, By, and for Which People?
- Against the Conventional Wisdom: A Primer for Current Economics Controversies and Proposals
- Thorstein Veblen
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Bernard Bailyn
- Harry S. Dent Jr.
- John Rawls
- Hernando de Soto
- Lester Carl Thurow
- Arthur B. Laffer
- Oscar Handlin
- Alan Trachtenberg
- Walter J. Wessels
- Robert Pozen
- Richard Parker
- Noreena Hertz
- Gregory Clark
- American Historical Association
- Duncan K. Foley
- David Warsh
- Phyllis Deane
- André Glucksmann
- Alejandro A. Chafuen