- The Acts of the Apostles: New Testament (New Collegeville Bible Commentary)
- Philippians, Colossians, Philemon
- Let the Scriptures Speak: Reflections on the Sunday Readings-Year A
- Building Our House on Rock: The Sermon on the Mount as Jesus Vision for Our Lives as Told by Matthew and Luke
- The Beatitudes in Context (Zacchaeus Studies: New Testament)
- Frank E. Gaebelein
- Philip W. Comfort
- Linda K. Taylor
- John H. Sailhamer
- Daniel J. Harrington
- Abingdon Press
- Mark Strauss
- Mark Fackler
- Stephen Leston
- Grant R. Osborne
- Kent Keller
- James R. Edwards
- Michael F Patella
- Ralph Alexander
- Robert Deffinbaugh
- Marie Noonan Sabin
- S. Maxwell Coder
- John J. Collins
- Maria A. Pascuzzi
- Scott M. Lewis