- Histoire Secrete De La Reine Zarah, Et Des Zaraziens. Trad...
- Memoirs of Europe, towards the close of the eighth century. Written by Eginardus, secretary and favourite to Charlemagne; and done into English by the ... new Atalantis. The second edition, corrected.
- The Power of Love: In Seven Novels viz. I. The Fair Hypocrite. II. The Physician's Stratagem. III. The Wife's Resentment. IV. V. The Husband's Resentment. In two Examples
- A Modest Enquiry Into the Reasons of the joy Expressed by a Certain Sett of People, Upon the Spreading of a Report of Her Majesty's Death
- The Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zaraziens [A Satire On Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, by D. Manley?]