- The Dust Bowl
- Story Drama: Creating Stories Through Role Playing, Improvising, and Reading Aloud
- Images of Nature: Canadian Poets and the Group of Seven
- The Arts Go to School: Classroom-based activities that focus on music, painting, drama, movement, media, and more
- Caught in the Middle: Reading and Writing in the Transition Years
- Ric Masten
- Ralph L. Cohen
- J.P. Ahonen
- Leland Myrick
- Christine Boardman-Moen
- Alex Morgan
- Jill Duvall
- Jennifer Thermes
- Lili Chartrand
- Ellen Kandoian
- Inbali Iserles
- Mike Kanterovich
- Gregory P. Byrd
- Susan E. Chapelle
- Dianne Marcial Fuchs
- Katie Shanahan
- Billie B. Masten
- Jack Booth
- Ramona Maher
- Willa Pauli