- The admirable travels of Messrs. Thomas Jenkins and David Lowellin; through the unknown tracts of Africa. With the manner how Lowellin lived five years on an uninhabited spot, ...
- The Life, Voyages And Travels Of Thomas Jenkins & David Lowellin
- The admirable travels of Messieurs Thomas Jenkins and David Lowellin through the unknown tracts of Africa: with the manner how Lowellin lived eight years on an uninhabited spot; ...
- The admirable travels of Messrs. Thomas Jenkins and David Lowellin; containing a tour of 3000 miles through the unknown tracts of Africa; describing ... western coast by a storm, Sept. 1. 1770, ...
- The life, voyages, and travels, of Thos. Jenkins, & David Lowellin, through the unknown tracts of Africa. ...