Called to Community
The Intentional Christian Community Handbook: For Idealists, Hypocrites, and Wannabe Disciples of Jesus
$5.39 - $22.65
Violent Gift
$62.56 - $259.36
Trauma and the Failure of History : Kings, Lamentations, and the Destruction of Jerusalem
$19.39 - $44.69
The End of History and the Last King: Achaemenid Ideology and Community Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah
Seven Radical Elders: How Refugees from a Civil-Rights-Era Storefront Church Energized the Christian Community Movement, An Oral History (New Monastic Library: Resources for Radical Discipleship)
The Liberation of Method: The Ethics of Emancipatory Biblical Interpretation
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The Necessary King: A Postcolonial Reading of the Deuteronomistic Portrait of the Monarchy
The End of History and the Last King: Achaemenid Ideology and Community Identity in Ezra-Nehemiah
Seven Radical Elders: How Refugees from a Civil-Rights-Era Storefront Church Energized the Christian Community Movement, an Oral History
Witch-Hunts, Purity and Social Boundaries: The Expulsion of the Foreign Women in Ezra 9-10 (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
$18.89 - $292.43
The Social Meanings of Sacrifice in the Hebrew Bible: A Study of Four Writings
Der Zusammenhang von Armut und Rechtsextremismus
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Nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe: Jugendlicher Neofaschismus - Erkl�rungsans�tze und Handlungsm�glichkeiten aus der Sicht der sozialen Arbeit
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Fire, Salt, and Peace: Intentional Christian Communities Alive in North America
$37.29 - $39.19
Chronicles and the Politics of Davidic Restoration: A Quiet Revolution
$58.03 - $198.29