- Stop Overthinking: Declutter Your Mind and Eliminate Negative Thoughts Getting Positivity; Stop Procrastinating and Complaining; Get Rid of Bad Habits and Toxic Relationships Investing in Yourself
- Depression and Anxiety Therapy: How to Defeat Your Emotional Fears, Manage Your Relationships, Change Your Lifestyle Setting Smart Goals for Healthy Habits. Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
- Take Control of your Life: Avoid Co-Dependency and Narcissism Improving Self-Esteem and Self Confidence. Remove Emotional Blocks Changing your Mindset and Develop Empathy and Social Skills
- Depression and Anxiety Therapy: How to Defeat Your Emotional Fears, Manage Your Relationships, Change Your Lifestyle Setting Smart Goals for Healthy Habits. Boost Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence.
- Social Skills: 4 books in 1: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Stop Overthinking, Depression and Anxiety Therapy, Take Control of your Life. A guide to ... Problem Solving improving Communication