The Innovators: Rediscovering America's Creative Energy
The Golden Spiral: and the Looting of 2,000 Year-Old Transylvanian Treasure
This is Boston;: A comprehensive visitors guide to Boston & Cambridge
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Rommel in Romania
Dartmouth Japan Expedition: Diary
Queen Marie in America: My Glorious Adventure
Rommel �n Rom�nia
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Regina Maria �n America
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PLEVNA: Relat_ri la persona întâi (Romanian Edition)
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PLEVNA: First Person Accounts
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OIL Stories: from where it all started in Romania
CANOES: A Dartmouth Story
POVEȘTI DESPRE PETROL: din locul de unde a început totul R O M Â N I A
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The Gold Spirals: & The Looting of Dacian Treasure
ONE THING Leads to Another
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ROMÂNIA în '38-39: cu bune și cu rele
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ROMANIA '38-'39 - the good and the bad
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IDENTITATEA românească: Impresii din vremuri vechi și până în zilele noastre
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Romanian Identity: Impressions Past to Present: with color illustrations
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MOST SECRET Romania in WW II: From the Files of British Intelligence and Bletchley Park
ROMANIA'S FORESTS: Europe's "Yellowstone"
Korea Kayak Expedition
Dartmouth Danube Expedition
Carpathian Mountain Expedition
Călător Fără Hartă: Memoriile Lui Dimitri Dimăncescu (1896-1984)
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Korea Ledyard Expedition 1985: Dartmouth - Diary
An EPIC Transformation: from rust to riches
World-class New Product Development: Benchmarking Best Practices of Agile Manufacturers
The Lean Enterprise: Designing and Managing Strategic Processes for Customer-Winning Performance
The Seamless Enterprise: Making Cross Functional Management Work
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