Incorporeal: Id�e Fixe
Didactic Essays: From a Piece of Dark Matter, Somewhere in the Milky Way?
Eons: Raison D'Etre
The Fuzzy Nose
Plinth: Planets and Particles
Phatman and Picard: Politicking the Separation of Church & State
Phatman & Picard: The Flaming Pig
Phatman and Picard: For Reals
Phatman and Picard: One Year Later
Phatman and Picard: The Booky Adventure
Which Way is Up?: And other stupid questions?
Phatman and Picard: Unloading Thoughts?
$12.19 - $13.89
Phatman and Picard: Two MBAs Later
Phatman and Picard: The Intervening Years
Phatman and Picard: Spare Spirits
A Tenure of Consciousness?
A Unified Proton Theory: Part Duo
Phatman & Picard: Across the Universe
Phatman and Picard: Finding Godzilla
Phatman and Picard: Catastrophic Thoughts Ward
Phatman and Picard: Facile Facsimiles
Phatman and Picard: Another Year Later
Asymptote Einstein: Elements & Environments
Phatman and Picard: Origins
Phatman and Picard: The Pastiche Glimmer
Temporalis: And Valid Reasoning?
The non-Boot Leg Book
Phatman and Picard: The Monique Years
Phatman and Picard: Glipgor and the Soul Helmet