- A Sermon Preached Before His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, His Majesty's Council, and the House of Assembly, of the Province of Nova-Scotia ... at Halifax, on Sunday, November 25, 1787
- A Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocess [sic] of Nova-Scotia at the Triennial Visitation [microform]: Holden in the Months of June and August, 1803
- A Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Province of Quebec, at the Primary Visitation [microform]: Holden in the City of Quebec, in the Month of August 1789
- An Essay on Infant Baptism [microform]: in Which the Right of Infants to the Sacrament of Baptism, is Proved From Scripture, Vindicated From the Usual ... by the Practice of the Four First Centuries