West Virginia History, the Mountain State
South Carolina History, the Palmetto State
The Truth, Lies, and More Deception.
A Monkey Sprung Out Of The Cuckoo Clock: The Second Gabrela Oman Series
Texas History, the Lone Star State
Indiana History, the Crossroads of America
Life Regrets: The First Book in the Life Series
Intrigue Weaved about the Apple Tree
Intrigue Weaved About the Squatters: The Sixth Brenna Hines Series.
A Friendship Gone Sour
Clearfield County, A Clear... Field
Michigan History, the Great Lake State
A Pet and Parent Named Blizzy and Lizzy
Ohio Past, the Buckeye State
Kentucky History, the Bluegrass, Horse Racing State
Georgia Past, the Empire State of the South
Maryland Past, the Old Line State
Alaska History, the last Frontier
New England History, an Early English Settlement
North Carolina, the Tar Heel State History
Oh! Ma Mia-The Italian Case: The fifth Gabrela Oman serial
Misfortune Occurs at the Starlight Pub
The Captives Encounter Peril: The First Gabrela Oman Series
Treasure New York State History
Art Thievery and Murder: A Novel
Pennsylvania, Our Beloved Freedom State
Alabama History, The Heart of Dixie
Intrigue Weaved about the Meshed Wire Fence: The Fourth Brenna Hines Series
That Jalopy Is Sure Dilapidated: The Third Gabrela Oman Series
The Pranksters' Amusement