- I Had that Doll!
- Collecting Antique Dolls: Fashion Dolls, Automata, Doll Curiosities, Exclusive Dolls
- Gene, 2nd Edition (Gene: Identification & Price Guide)
- Best of Teddy Bear and Friends Magazine: The Ultimate Authority : Featuring : Antique, Collectible, Artist, and Manufactured Teddy Bears
- Nobody Knows
- Michilinda Kinsey
- Scott Wood
- George T. Williams
- Helen Shannon
- Hazel Ulseth
- Martine F. Delfos
- Marlene Hochman
- Maureen Melrose
- Mary Gorham Krombholz
- Mabs Tyler
- Leslie Ivan
- Evelyn McLeod
- Beate Franz
- Alice D. Weiner
- Miriam Formanek-Brunell
- Marian Ferguson
- Kathrine P. Peterson
- Chester Jay Alkema
- Sara Jane Sluke
- Robert Tynes