- The Ultimate Do-it-yourself Book: A Complete Practical Guide to Home Improvement
- Can't Eat, Won't Eat: Dietary Difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Dietary Difficulties and the Autism Spectrum
- Do-it-yourself: A Complete Beginner's Home Improvement Manual (Home Decorating, Repairs & Maintenance)
- Home Decorating, Repairs and Maintenance Do-It-Yourself: A Complete Guide to Home Improvement
- Do-It-Yourself: The Home DIY Handbook: How To Fix Every Part Of Your Home: Floors, Ceilings, Walls, Windows, Doors, Stairs, Sinks, Drains, Gutters, Roofs, Fences, Brickwork And Pipework
- Judith Couchman
- Sandra S. McRae
- Mark Warda
- Lawrence M. Friedman
- Organic Gardening Magazine
- Patricia Raybon
- Kyle Husfloen
- Mike Collins
- Roger Yepsen
- Tom Keegan
- David Holloway
- Linda Dorrell
- James Ray
- Rebecca Nelson-Ferguson
- Brenda Roberts
- Editors of JLC the Journal of Light Cons
- Diane Carr
- Virginia Mueller
- Marlinda Ireland
- Jim Purviance