Assessment in Adult Learning: andragogy, assessment, empowerment, lifelong learning, motivation, reflection, self regulation, technology
A Step-by-Step Guide for Using Uploaded Resources for a Fully Online Course
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Enjoying Mathematics in the Flipped Classroom
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Experiential Learning
Reflective Assessment and Service Learning
Academic Cognitive Readiness
How to hone Critical Thinking Skills through Assessment
Assessing Experiential Learning
Individualised Teaching and Learning
Success and The Self
Assessment in Early Childhood Care and Education: Sustainable Early Childhood Care through Assessment
Mathematical Misconceptions
Peer Assessment That Works: A Guide for Teachers
Project Management: Workshops by Design
Faculty Professional Development through Problem-Based Learning
Individualised Professional Development
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Disruptive Thinking
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Learning to Love and Loving to Learn Mathematics
Melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem através da tutoria (Portuguese Edition)
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Migliorare l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento attraverso il mentoring (Italian Edition)
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Besseres Lehren und Lernen durch Mentoring (German Edition)
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Améliorer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage grâce au mentorat (French Edition)
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Ensinar para o sucesso (Portuguese Edition)
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Enseigner pour réussir (French Edition)
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Insegnare per il successo (Italian Edition)
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Lehren für den Erfolg (German Edition)
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Melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem através da correção (Portuguese Edition)
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Migliorare l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento attraverso il recupero (Italian Edition)
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Améliorer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage grâce à la remédiation (French Edition)
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Verbesserung von Unterricht und Lernen durch Nachhilfe (German Edition)
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