Straight Out of Brooklyn: A Critical Memoir
Persistence of Vision: The 21st-Century Film Criticism of Stanley Kauffmann
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Expressionism and Influence: The Case of Kaiser's "From Morn to Midnight"
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Eugene O'Neill's "The Hairy Ape": Text and Context
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From Naturalism to Symbolism: Two Plays: Synge's "Riders to the Sea" and Maeterlinck's "The Intruder"
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Tennessee Williams's "A Streetcar Named Desire": A Reader's Companion
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Screen Writings: Partial Views of a Total Art, Classic to Contemporary
Undervalued Shaw: Two Plays: "The Philanderer" and "The Doctor's Dilemma"
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Screen Writings: Genres, Classics, and Aesthetics
What is Dramaturgy? [Paperback] (Author) Bert Cardullo
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Texts for the Stage: Studies in Script Analysis
Releases 12/31/2050
Dramatic Considerations: Essays in Criticism, 1977-1987 (American University Studies. Series Xxvi, Theatre Arts, Vol 11)
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The Death of Salesmen: David Mamet's "Glengarry Glen Ross" in Text and Performance
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Brecht, Pinter, and the Avant-Garde: Three Essays on Modernist Drama
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A Criança Enterrada de Sam Shepard
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Il Bambino sepolto di Sam Shepard
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The Theater of Fernand Crommelynck: Eight Plays
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In Search of Cinema: Writings on International Film Art
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World Directors in Dialogue: Conversations on Cinema
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Film Analysis: A Casebook
Conversations With Stanley Kauffmann (Literary Conversations Series)
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Molière's "Tartuffe": Text and Context
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Soundings on Cinema: Speaking to Film and Film Artists (Suny Series, Horizons of Cinema)
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André Bazin and Italian Neorealism
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Serious Dialogue: Interviews with American Theater Critics
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German-Language Comedy: A Critical Anthology
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Vittorio de Sica: Director, Actor, Screenwriter
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Out of Asia: The Films of Akira Kurosawa, Satyajit Ray, Abbas Kiraostami, and Zhang Yimou; Essays and Interviews
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Theatrical Reflections: Notes on the Form and Practice of Drama (American University Studies Series Xxvi Theatre Arts)
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