The Twisted Path of the Hidden Saint: An Occult Tale of the Baal Shem Tov
The Baal Shem Tov and the Heretic: A Sabbatean Tale
Repentance: A Tale of Demons in Old Jewish Poland
$11.84 - $19.09
King Solomon and Ashmedai: A Wisdom Tale
$9.58 - $20.45
The Abduction of Queen Guinevere
$5.39 - $9.58
The Cruelty of the Fisher King: A Tale of Perceval and the Grail
The Vampire and the Wandering Jew
The Mad Disciples of Jacob Frank: A Tale of the Demon Goddess
The Descent of the Tzaddik: A Saint’s Tale
The Last Confession of Joseph Della Reina
$10.03 - $20.00
The Starvation Dybbuk: A Cruel Tale of Love and Exorcism
The Emissary from Mezeritch: A Dark Hasidic Tale
The Leper Princess and The Court Jew
$10.03 - $20.00
The Gifts of the Fairy Melusine
$10.03 - $20.91
The Twilight of the Magical Siren: A Tale of Late Antiquity
$10.03 - $22.72
Necromancy of the Demon Maiden: A Gothic Tale of Podolia
$10.38 - $19.09
The Death of the Wizard Merlin
The Holy Sinner: A Gothic Tale of the Baal Shem Tov
The Beheading Game: An Arthurian Tale
Elegy of the Minotaur
$11.84 - $21.81