- Wild Women: Crusaders, Curmudgeons, and Completely Corsetless Ladies in the Otherwise Virtuous Victorian Era
- Wild Words from Wild Women: An Unbridled Collection of Candid Observations and Extremely Opinionated Bon Mots
- Wild Women in the White House
- Feisty First Ladies and Other Unforgettable White House Women
- Celebrating Wild Women Journal
- Caitlin Libera
- E.W. Crampton
- Deborah Taylor
- Betsy Israel
- Debra St. Claire
- Wild Women Association
- Steven A. Krause
- Yorick Brown
- Eileen Campbell
- Nicki Defago
- Anne Nilsson
- Christina Hall Thompson
- Robert A. Izard
- Rich Paul
- Kitta Reeds
- Selma R. Williams
- Butler Yates
- Robert S. Blanchard
- Ted Gambordella
- Jerry Flamm