Awkward Audra Asks for Help
Farting Fred Learns to Focus
Resilient Ralph Rocks at Recess
Silly Sydney Learns to Self-Soothe
Upstanding Uriah Unites his Group
Kind Karen Kindles a Friendship
Incredible Isaac is Inclusive
Eager Edgar Expresses Emotions
Obedient Oscar Learns to Observe
Handsome Hank Learns to Help
Nifty Nadia Learns to Nap (or not)
Charming Charlie Learns to Chill
Jolly Jay Learns When to Joke
Dashing Danny Learns to Do
Zany Zoe Learns a Schedule
Wacky Winifred Learns to Win
Quick-witted Queen Asks a Question (The Social Sleuth Series)
Talkative Tai Tells the Truth
Merry Maisie Learns to Mind (The Social Sleuth Series)
Xany Xavier Learns to X-ercise