- Discours Prononcez Dans Les Confa(c)Rences de L'Acada(c)Mie Royale de Peinture Et de Sculpture
- The Art of Painting, and the Lives of the Painters: Containing, a Compleat Treatise of Painting, Designing, and the Use of Prints: With Reflections on the Works of the Most Celebrated Painters, and of
- Discours prononcez dans les conférences de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture
- The Art of Painting, and the Lives of the Painters: Containing a Compleat Treatise of Painting, Designing, and the Use of Prints: With Reflections on ... Schools of Europe, as Well Ancient As...
- Description de l'Academie royale des arts de peinture et de sculpture