"The Wonderful World of Dissocia" and "Realism"
The Lying Kind (Methuen Drama)
$10.79 - $17.25
Neilson Plays 1 (Methuen Contemporary Dramatists)
Neilson Plays: 2: Edward Gant's Amazing Feats of Loneliness!; The Lying Kind; The Wonderful World of Dissocia; Realism (Contemporary Dramatists)
Stitching (Methuen Drama)
$9.49 - $19.16
Contemporary Scottish Plays
The Censor (Methuen Modern Plays)
Anthony Neilson Plays: 3: Relocated; Get Santa!; Narrative; The Prudes; Unreachable; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Wonderful World of Dissocia
$14.95 - $18.35
The Methuen Drama Book of Twenty-First Century British Plays: "Blue/orange"; "Elmina's Kitchen"; "Realism"; "Gone Too Far!"; "Pornography" (Play Anthologies)
$6.69 - $38.49