- Sound System Projects in Circuit with HandsOn: 25,40,50,100Watt Circuit utilizing MOSFET,Li-Fi Technology,Subwoofer Amplifier,MP3 Player,Arduino Audio Pl
- 555 Timer - New Simple Works: Saw tooth Waveform, 24V Flasher, Ice chest Door, Roulette Circuit, Frenzy, Brake Failure, PWM Signal , 3X3X3 Light, CD4020 IC etc...,
- DIY Raspberry Pi,Arduino and PIC Microcontroller Projects Handson: Over Voltage, Over Current, Transient Voltage and Reverse Polarity, LCD HAT ,Electronic DC Load , RC Car, Robotic Arm, Bank Circuit
- Arduino Circuit Experts Projects Handson: Wi-Fi Repeater or Range extender, Alexa Controlled Home Automation, ESP8266 based Smart Plug, NodeMCU ESP8266 Over-the-Air etc..,
- Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU Simple projects in easy way