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Greek Lyric II: Anacreon, Anacreontea, Choral Lyric from Olympis to Alcman (Loeb Classical Library No. 143)
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The Odes Of Anacreon
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Anacréon, sa vie et ses oeuvres
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The Works of Anacreon and Sappho, with Pieces from Ancient Authors; And Occasional Essays; Illustrated by Observations on Their Lives and Writings, Explanatory Notes from Established Commentators, and
Anacreon Teius. Item Anacreontis Vita, Opera & Studio J. Barnes
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Poems on Various Subjects: Miscellaneous Effusions. Imitations. Tales. Elegiacs and Epitaphs. Addenda. the Odes of Anacreon, with Fragments of Sappho and Alcaeus
Anakreons auserlesene Oden und die zwey noch übrigen Oden der Sappho
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Anakreon Nach Seinem Leben Beschrieben Und in Seinen Po�tischen �berresten Nebst Deren Nachahmungen
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Pindar, Volumes 1-2
Anacreon Teius, Poeta Lyricus, Summa Cura & Diligentia, Ad Fidem Etiam Vet. Ms. Vatican.... Item Anacreontis Vita [Et]c. Accessere Ornamenti Tres Eleganter-Sculptae Effiges Auctoris, Anacreontis. Patr
Anakreon und die sognenannten Ankreontischen lieder
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Odes of Anacreon; Volume 1
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Anacreontis Carminum Reliquias (1834)
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Odes of Anacreon V2
Anacreontis Et Sapphonis Carmina (1744)
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Les Oeuvres D'Anacreon Et De Sapho (1692)
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The Anacreontea & Principal Remains of Anacreon of Teos
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As Odes De Anacreonte De Teos Paraphraseadas (1804)
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Anacreontis Teii Carmina Graece E Recensione Guilielmi Baxteri Cum Eiusdem Notis (1793)
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Poésies De Anacréon Et De Sapho
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Poesias De Anacreon: Teocrito, Bion Y Mosco (1796)
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Anakreon Poeta Grecki (1774)
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Odes, Inscriptions, Epitaphes, Epithalames Et Fragments D'Anacreon (1794)
Anacreon, Part 1: Sapho, Bion, Moschus, Theocrite, Musee, La Viellee Des Fetes De Venus (1781)
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