- Miscellaneous tracts. Containing: I. A narrative of the misfortunes of the author; ... V. A letter to Daniel Toler, Esq. ... By Amyas Griffith, ...
- Miscellaneous tracts. Containing: I. A narrative of the misfortunes of the author; ... VIII. A letter to the Very Reverend John Westley [sic], ... By Amyas Griffith, ... The second edition.
- Observations on the Bishop of Cloyne's pamphlet: in which the doctrine of tithes is candidly investigated, and his Lordship's arguments for the ... to be visionary, The second edition.
- Miscellaneous tracts, containing: I. A letter to D. Trant .ralative to his pamphlet against the Munster Peasantry, and his unfortunate duel II. ... Extract of Theophilus's letter to the author.
- Observations on the Bishop of Cloyne's pamphlet: in which the doctrine of tithes is candidly considered, and proved to be oppressive and impolitic: ... for the insecurity of the Protestant religion