Enterprise Architectures and Digital Administration: Planning, Design and Assessment [With CDROM]
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Poemas de Amor y Lujuria
Euskera Batua: Cambio Y Evolucion: Euskera Universal
Evolutionary Philosophy: Discovery and Election in the Human Experience
Women, the New Architects of Society
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The End of the World or a New Era?: Eight World Scenarios of Death and Life
The Pope's Red Shoes: Traffic of Political Influence, Riches, Power, and Control by the Catholic Church
El Brujo de Bargota: El Musical
En Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer: Y la Supervivencia de la Especie Humana
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The Lady Dressed in Green and Red: An Erotic Experience
Emerges the Political Extreme-Right: The Beginning of World War III ?
Surgen los Partidos Políticos de la Extrema Derecha: ¿El Principio de la III Guerra Mundial?
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There May Be Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe : Do We Really Descend from Alien Beings?
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Euskera Practico y Universal (B&N): 20 Secretos para la Comunicacion Rapida y Efectiva
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Filosofia Evolutiva: Descubrimiento y Eleccion en la Experiencia Humana
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First Wave of Covid in the World, VI: Before and Later
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Planet Earth at its Limits: Human Trafficking, Overpopulation, Climate Change, and Religious Wars