- David's testament opened up in fourty sermons, upon 2 Samuel 23.5. Wherein the nature, properties, and effects of the covenant of grace are clearly ... Jesus Christ, Mr. Alexander Wedderburn, ...
- Observations on the state of the English prisons, and the means of improving them; communicated to the Reverend Henry Zouch, a Justice of the Peace, by the Right Honourable Lord Loughborough
- Heaven upon earth or the history of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, opened and practically improven [sic] in several sermons. By ... Mr. Alex: Wedderburn ...
- Information for Alexander Wedderburn of St. Germains, Esq; And Others, Defenders, Against Sir Peter Halket of Pitfirran, Baronet, and His Curator Ad L
- The Argument of Alexander Wedderburn, Esq; His Majesty's Solicitor General, in the Cause of Lord Pomfret Against Smith; Which was Tried at the bar of the Court of King's-Bench, Westminster