- The malignant unmasked: or, the double-distilled jumbler: in a letter to Mr. James Bl**k, merchant, Exchequer-Row, Aberdeen. By Alexander Kilham, ...
- An account of the trial of Alexander Kilham, Methodist preacher, before the general conference in London: on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of July, 1796. Written by himself. The second edition.
- The life of Mr. Alexander Kilham, Methodist preacher, who was expelled from the Conference, or Society of Methodist preachers, ... To which are added, ... by a number of preachers to Mr. Kilham, ...
- The Progress of Liberty, Amongst the People Called Methodists. To Which is Added, the Out-lines of a Constitution. ... By Alexander Kilham,
- The Life of Mr. Alexander Kilham [By Himself]. to Which Are Added, Extracts of Letters by a Number of Preachers to Mr. Kilham