Next Stop, Hell
Belly of the Beast
The Moon as Witness
Descent of the Spirit
A Man Filled with Love & Rage: (and a Strong Libido)
Zen from Another Planet
Echoes from the Street
Beyond Redemption
Mortal Sins & Other Myths
Demons & Stuff
Mexico City Booze
Growing Up Backwards: Gus Poems
The Train Stops Here: Gus' Gnu Poems
Waiting for the Parade: Poems
The Dancing Girls Have All Gone Home
Six Nights on The Sun
Burning Sails
Angels Sleeping In Trees
Train Wreck
Hazardous Waste Keep Out
The Other Shoe
And Another Thing
Every Word for Itself
Dancing in the Furnace
Exhuming the Monster
Cirque du Cootchay
George and Gracie: the musical
Out of Focus: Poem Stuff
The Best & Worst of Neuro Circustry