- BONSAI - Plants Datasheets: An Encyclopedia of the Main Characteristics of Bonsai Types, Indispensable to Care for All Processing Phases During the Various Seasons
- Bonsai: Una Guida Essenziale e Completa dalla Coltivazione, al Cablaggio, alla Potatura e alla Cura del tuo Albero Bonsai
- BONSAI: An Essential and Comprehensive Guide to Growing, Wiring, Pruning and Caring for Your Bonsai Tree
- Bonsai: An Essential and Comprehensive Guide to Growing, Wiring, Pruning and Caring for Your Bonsai Tree
- BONSÁI Cultiva Tu Propio Pequeño Jardín Zen Japonés: Una guía para principiantes sobre cómo cultivar y cuidar tus árboles bonsái