O Bambu Como Substituto Sustentável Da Armadura de Aço
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Enhancing Energy-Efficient Retrofit Potential Through BIM
Bambus ALS Nachhaltiger Ersatz Für Stahlbewehrung
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Le Bambou Comme Substitut Durable À l'Armature En Acier
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Il Bambù Come Sostituto Sostenibile Dell'armatura in Acciaio
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Aumentare il potenziale di retrofit ad alta efficienza energetica attraverso il BIM (Italian Edition)
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Aumentar o potencial de reabilitação eficiente em termos energéticos através do BIM (Portuguese Edition)
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Steigerung des Potenzials für energieeffiziente Nachrüstung durch BIM (German Edition)
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Améliorer le potentiel de rénovation énergétique grâce à la BIM (French Edition)
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