Curry is healthy. Making curry doesn't have to be complicated
Learn simple and quick ways to make curry
Curry powder and spice mixes has many health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-bacterial properties
Find out amazing benefits of curry. Includes many recipes for incorporating curry in your daily life.
Curry is a food, a dish, or sauce of Indian origin that is made with either meat, fish, poultry, legumes, or vegetables and cooked in and covered with a sauce containing any number of fragrant spices and herbs. Curry also defined as a food or dish seasoned with curry powder.
History of curry and curry powder
Health benefits of each ingredients
Recipes for making Curry Powder and Spice Mixes:
Recipes for making various curries:
Various chicken curry recipesVegetable CurryEgg CurryLentil CurryChickpeas CurryThai Chicken CurryEggplant CurryButter ChickenChicken Tikka MasalaCreamed Spinach Curry
Introduction to Curry is a great source for everyone interested in curry and its health benefits. This book is an easy to use curry making guide and reference source for all those starting out experimenting with curry.