Treat your February-born friends and family to a bookish birthday! Did you know you can schedule ThriftBooks e-Gift Cards to be delivered on a specific date? Or If you'd rather give your February friends something specific, we've put together a list of some of the hottest titles of the moment. Plus, learn about literary luminaries born this month.
As Valentine's Day approaches, we're indulging in our favorite guilty pleasure—romance novels! We love love! Our newest poll takes a look at the secret lives of romance readers. Read on for all the juicy details!
Whether it’s new or new to you, it’s still a good story. Catch up on last year’s reading today with our Staff Picks: Best Reads of the Year. In this double digest of a list you’ll get not only our staff’s favorite 2024 releases, but our favorite older releases of the year, too, to help you find your next great read.
It's safe to say that most authors hope to have their books featured on The New York Times Best Sellers list. To reach the top of the list would be the ultimate dream. Here are all the novels that have nabbed the top spot so far in 2024.