"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment." -Mark 12:30
- First Love between the Bridegroom and His Bride was inspired by the precious Holy Spirit; therefore, all Glory goes to Jesus Christ.
- First Love between the Bridegroom and His Bride's intent is to draw you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with the most beautiful King you have and will ever meet. His name is Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
- The Holy Bible is used to point you to the importance of an intimate relationship with your Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) as well as maintaining daily fellowship with the wonderful Holy Spirit.
- I pray the blessed Holy Spirit will impart a deep longing, hunger, and thirst for that relationship and fellowship for all who reads this book. Amen