Note your Blood Sugar reading with this log book and rate your feeling each day. Pocket size, it is easy to carry with you all the time with extra space for note, meals, etc. Start from Monday to Sunday for up to 104 weeks (2 years) Great gift for your family member and friends.
The Book Contains:
Personal data, emergency contact, doctor contact page: write down your important informationOne week Log per page from Monday - Sunday for 2 Years (104 weeks)Space to note before and after for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, BedtimeEasy to read Large Size Text for Senior Printed on quality paperPremium matte cover designPerfectly Large sized at 8" x 10" PaperbackMade in the USA.Add To Cart Today and Enjoy recording your blood sugar monitoringFor more Design, Please click on Author name to check it out. Thanks