You'll read the fascinating, slightly raunchy, true tales of the Avalon Defense Department (a.k.a. police department) where rock star police detective General Schnitzkof, a former British officer, and his trusted assistant, rookie cop WingWing, a rotund little dumpling of a "lad", solve some of the town's most absurd crimes such as these: "The Case of the Missing Member or How John Sir Gwaine Bobolini Lost One of His Family Jewels and How He Recovered It ... Well Sort Of", "The Case of the Missing Haunted Mobile Home" and last, but certainly not least, "The Cream Puff Caper", where you'll meet some of Avalon's worst offenders like that pervert Mr. Parabolikos and murderous old lady Wiggins.
If you like the charms and craziness of South Park, you're sure to enjoy the cartoon community of Avalon.