- Canning and Preserving Collection: Delicious Canning Recipes Everybody Can Make: (Home Canning Recipes, Pressure Canning Recipes)
- Canning and Preserving for Dummies: Delicious Recipes of Canned Meat and Vegetables!: (Canning and Preserving Recipes, Canning Recipes Cookbook)
- Canning and Preserving for Beginners: 30 Delicious Quick Canning Recipes: (Home Canning Recipes, Pressure Canning Recipes)
- Canning and Preserving for Dummies: 30 Healthy and Delicious Canning Recipes: (Canning And Preserving Recipes, Canning Recipes Cookbook ) (Home Canning Recipes, Pressure Canning Recipes)
- Canning And Preserving Cookbook: 100+ Mouth-Watering Recipes of Canned Food: ( Canning and Preserving Cookbook, Best Canning Recipes) (Home Canning Recipes, Pressure Canning Recipes)